byond - Modules - TypesDefine Details


get_turfGet the turf that A resides in, regardless of any containers.
SIGNGets the sign of x, returns -1 if negative, 0 if 0, 1 if positive
LERPPerforms a linear interpolation between a and b. Note that amount=0 returns a, amount=1 returns b, and amount=0.5 returns the mean of a and b.

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Performs a linear interpolation between a and b. Note that amount=0 returns a, amount=1 returns b, and amount=0.5 returns the mean of a and b.


Gets the sign of x, returns -1 if negative, 0 if 0, 1 if positive


Get the turf that A resides in, regardless of any containers.

Use in favor of A.loc or src.loc so that things work correctly when stored inside an inventory, locker, or other container.