BOTTLE_ICON_CHOICES | Amount of bottle icon variations in total |
PILL_ICON_CHOICES | Amount of random icon variations for pills in total |
CHEM_CLASS_NONE | Default. Chemicals not used in the chem generator |
CHEM_CLASS_BASIC | Chemicals that can be dispensed directly from the dispenser (iron, oxygen) |
CHEM_CLASS_COMMON | Chemicals which recipe is commonly known and made (bicaridine, alkysine, salt) |
CHEM_CLASS_UNCOMMON | Chemicals which recipe is uncommonly known and made (spacedrugs, foaming agent) |
CHEM_CLASS_RARE | Chemicals without a recipe but can be obtained on the Almayer, or requires rare components |
CHEM_CLASS_SPECIAL | Chemicals without a recipe and can't be obtained on the Almayer, or requires special components |
CHEM_CLASS_ULTRA | Randomly generated chemicals |
REAGENT_TYPE_MEDICAL | Used to restrict recipes in the generator from employing all reagents of this type |
REAGENT_SCANNABLE | Whether the reagent shows up on health analysers. |
REAGENT_NOT_INGESTIBLE | Whether the reagent canNOT be ingested and must be delivered through injection. Used by electrogenetic property. |
REAGENT_CANNOT_OVERDOSE | Whether the reagent canNOT trigger its overdose effects. Used by regulating property. For ordinary reagents with no overdose effect, instead keep var/overdose at 0. |
REAGENT_NO_GENERATION | Reagent doesn't randomly generate in chemicals |
PROPERTY_DISABLED | the property is disabled and can't spawn anywhere, however is still functional |
PROPERTY_COMMON | can be generated anywhere and available in round start chems |
PROPERTY_UNCOMMON | can be generated anywhere, but not available in round start chems |
PROPERTY_RARE | can only be generated at specific gen_tiers, but can also be made through specific property combinations |
PROPERTY_LEGENDARY | can strictly only be generated at specific gen_tiers |
PROPERTY_ADMIN | can only be spawned through admin powers |
RESEARCH_LEVEL_INCREASE_MULTIPLIER | Scales cost of increasing clearance using credits |
TECHTREE_LEVEL_MULTIPLIER | Scales tech level to max amplification level |
CHEM_FIRE_PENETRATION_THRESHOLD | The minimum amount of a fire penetrating chemical required to turn a fire into fire penetrating |
CHEM_FIRE_STAR_THRESHOLD | An intensity greater than this will cause a fire to be star shape |
CHEM_FIRE_PHOSPHORUS_PER_RADIUS | Amount of phosphorus that equals 1 radius of white phosphorus smoke |
EXPLOSION_PHORON_THRESHOLD | The minimum amount of chems required to turn shrapnel into a special type |
INCENDIARY_SHARDS_MAX_REDUCTION | The maximum amount of shards is divided by this number if the shards are of special type |
Define Details
Amount of bottle icon variations in total
Chemicals that can be dispensed directly from the dispenser (iron, oxygen)
Chemicals which recipe is commonly known and made (bicaridine, alkysine, salt)
Default. Chemicals not used in the chem generator
Chemicals without a recipe but can be obtained on the Almayer, or requires rare components
Chemicals without a recipe and can't be obtained on the Almayer, or requires special components
Randomly generated chemicals
Chemicals which recipe is uncommonly known and made (spacedrugs, foaming agent)
The minimum amount of a fire penetrating chemical required to turn a fire into fire penetrating
Amount of phosphorus that equals 1 radius of white phosphorus smoke
An intensity greater than this will cause a fire to be star shape
The minimum amount of chems required to turn shrapnel into a special type
The maximum amount of shards is divided by this number if the shards are of special type
Amount of random icon variations for pills in total
can only be spawned through admin powers
can be generated anywhere and available in round start chems
the property is disabled and can't spawn anywhere, however is still functional
can strictly only be generated at specific gen_tiers
can only be generated at specific gen_tiers, but can also be made through specific property combinations
can be generated anywhere, but not available in round start chems
Whether the reagent canNOT trigger its overdose effects. Used by regulating property. For ordinary reagents with no overdose effect, instead keep var/overdose at 0.
Whether the reagent canNOT be ingested and must be delivered through injection. Used by electrogenetic property.
Reagent doesn't randomly generate in chemicals
Whether the reagent shows up on health analysers.
Used to restrict recipes in the generator from employing all reagents of this type
Scales cost of increasing clearance using credits
Scales tech level to max amplification level