Defines for subsystems and overlays Lots of important stuff in here, make sure you have your brain switched on when editing this file | |
TIMER_UNIQUE | Don't run if there is an identical unique timer active |
TIMER_OVERRIDE | For unique timers: Replace the old timer rather then not start this one |
TIMER_CLIENT_TIME | Timing should be based on how timing progresses on clients, not the server. |
TIMER_STOPPABLE | Timer can be stopped using deltimer() |
TIMER_NO_HASH_WAIT | prevents distinguishing identical timers with the wait variable |
TIMER_LOOP | Loops the timer repeatedly until qdeleted |
TIMER_DELETE_ME | Delete the timer on parent datum Destroy() and when deltimer'd |
TIMER_ID_NULL | Empty ID define |
PROCESS_KILL | Used to trigger object removal from a processing list |
INITIALIZATION_INSSATOMS | New should not call Initialize |
INITIALIZATION_INNEW_MAPLOAD | New should call Initialize(TRUE) |
INITIALIZATION_INNEW_REGULAR | New should call Initialize(FALSE) |
INITIALIZE_HINT_NORMAL | Nothing happens |
INITIALIZE_HINT_LATELOAD | call LateInitialize at the end of all atom Initalization |
INITIALIZE_HINT_QDEL | Call qdel on the atom after intialization |
INITIALIZE_HINT_ROUNDSTART | Call LateInitialize on roundstart |
INITIALIZE_IMMEDIATE | type and all subtypes should always immediately call Initialize in New() |
SS_INIT_FAILURE | Negative values incidate a failure or warning of some kind, positive are good. 0 and 1 are unused so that TRUE and FALSE are guaranteed to be invalid values. Subsystem failed to initialize entirely. Print a warning, log, and disable firing. |
SS_INIT_NONE | The default return value which must be overridden. Will succeed with a warning. |
SS_INIT_SUCCESS | Subsystem initialized sucessfully. |
SS_INIT_NO_NEED | Successful, but don't print anything. Useful if subsystem was disabled. |
GAME_STATE_STARTUP | Game is loading |
GAME_STATE_PREGAME | Game is loaded and in pregame lobby |
GAME_STATE_SETTING_UP | Game is attempting to start the round |
GAME_STATE_PLAYING | Game has round in progress |
GAME_STATE_FINISHED | Game has round finished |
addtimer | Create a new timer and add it to the queue. |
SS_INIT_TIMER_KEY | The timer key used to know how long subsystem initialization takes |
Define Details
Game has round finished
Game has round in progress
Game is loaded and in pregame lobby
Game is attempting to start the round
Game is loading
New should call Initialize(TRUE)
New should call Initialize(FALSE)
New should not call Initialize
call LateInitialize at the end of all atom Initalization
The item will be added to the late_loaders list, this is iterated over after initalization of subsystems is complete and calls LateInitalize on the atom see this file for the LateIntialize proc
Nothing happens
Call qdel on the atom after intialization
Call LateInitialize on roundstart
type and all subtypes should always immediately call Initialize in New()
Used to trigger object removal from a processing list
Negative values incidate a failure or warning of some kind, positive are good. 0 and 1 are unused so that TRUE and FALSE are guaranteed to be invalid values. Subsystem failed to initialize entirely. Print a warning, log, and disable firing.
The default return value which must be overridden. Will succeed with a warning.
Successful, but don't print anything. Useful if subsystem was disabled.
Subsystem initialized sucessfully.
The timer key used to know how long subsystem initialization takes
Timing should be based on how timing progresses on clients, not the server.
Tracking this is more expensive, should only be used in conjuction with things that have to progress client side, such as animate() or sound()
Delete the timer on parent datum Destroy() and when deltimer'd
Empty ID define
Loops the timer repeatedly until qdeleted
In most cases you want a subsystem instead, so don't use this unless you have a good reason
prevents distinguishing identical timers with the wait variable
To be used with TIMER_UNIQUE
For unique timers: Replace the old timer rather then not start this one
Timer can be stopped using deltimer()
Don't run if there is an identical unique timer active
if the arguments to addtimer are the same as an existing timer, it doesn't create a new timer, and returns the id of the existing timer
Create a new timer and add it to the queue.
- Arguments:
- callback the callback to call on timer finish
- wait deciseconds to run the timer for
- flags flags for this timer, see: code__DEFINES\
- timer_subsystem the subsystem to insert this timer into