byond - Modules - TypesDefine Details


is_surgery_toolchecks if the item has a path that can be specifically used in a surgery step.
is_surgery_init_toolchecks if the item has a path that can be specifically used in a surgery step and is not flagged to not message on failed init - ex. cable coil, trauma kits etc.
SELF_SURGERY_SLOWDOWNMultiplier to surgery times when working on yourself.
SURGERY_DEPTH_SHALLOWAn incision has been opened.
SURGERY_DEPTH_DEEPDeep incision - opened ribcage/skull.
SURGERY_SURFACE_MULT_AWFULA surface that's utterly unsuitable for complex surgery. Worst possible case.
SURGERY_SURFACE_MULT_UNSUITEDA surface unsuited for surgery, but better than nothing.
SURGERY_SURFACE_MULT_ADEQUATEA surface that's adequate for surgery, if not ideal.
SURGERY_SURFACE_MULT_IDEALA surface that's ideal for performing surgeries.
SURGERY_TOOL_MULT_AWFULA tool that's badly unsuitable for the surgery. Worst usable case. Using a glass shard instead of a scalpel, using a bayonet to saw off a limb's bone.
SURGERY_TOOL_MULT_BAD_SUBSTITUTEAn improvised substitute for an ill-fitting tool. Using wirecutters instead of a retractor.
SURGERY_TOOL_MULT_SUBSTITUTEA tool that's functional, but hardly good. Generally an improvised substitute for a well-matching tool - wirecutters instead of haemostat.
SURGERY_TOOL_MULT_SUBOPTIMALA tool that's a good, if not ideal, fit for the surgery -- generally a real surgical tool used slightly out of its role. Haemostat instead of retractor, fixovein instead of sutures.
SURGERY_TOOL_MULT_IDEALA tool that's perfect for the surgery.
SURGERY_FAILURE_IMPOSSIBLEThe (no) chance of failure for surgery because the correct tools/conditions are used or skill compensates
SURGERY_FAILURE_UNLIKELYThe chance of failure for surgery because the the tool/ground is SURGERY_TOOL_MULT_BAD_SUBSTITUTE/SURGERY_SURFACE_MULT_UNSUITED and skill can't compensate enough
SURGERY_FAILURE_POSSIBLEThe chance of failure for surgery because the the tool/ground is SURGERY_TOOL_MULT_AWFUL/SURGERY_SURFACE_MULT_AWFUL and skill can't compensate enough
SURGERY_FAILURE_LIKELYThe chance of failure for surgery because the the tool and ground is some combination worse than awful and skill can't compensate enough
SURGERY_PRIORITY_MAXIMUMAppears first in lists. Ex. larva surgery, opening incision. Immediately life-threatening or initiation surgeries.
SURGERY_PRIORITY_HIGHAppears second in lists. Ex. IB fix, bleeding surgeries. Life-threatening or liable to get worse.
SURGERY_PRIORITY_MODERATEAppears third in lists. Ex. bone fix, tending wounds. Worth doing but not immediately threatening. Most surgeries will be here.
SURGERY_PRIORITY_LOWAppears fourth in lists. Ex. opening ribs, amputation. Things that shouldn't be at the top of a list.
SURGERY_PRIORITY_MINIMUMAppears last in lists. Ex. cauterizing incision, closing ribcage. Concluding steps.
SURGERY_TOOLS_NO_INIT_MSGTools routinely used to hit people, which wouldn't make sense to give 'you can't open an incision with xyz' messages.
SURGERY_TOOLS_INCISIONTools used to open incisions or cut flesh. IMS listed separately as the generic incision surgery uses it to skip steps. PICT isn't as fast as standard to disincentivise using it instead of a normal scalpel. See also /datum/surgery_step/cut_larval_pseudoroots, /datum/surgery_step/retract_skin.
SURGERY_TOOLS_CAUTERIZETools used to close incisions. May need surgical line in future. Check /datum/surgery_step/cauterize var/tools_lit if adding activatable tools.
SURGERY_TOOLS_PINCHTools used to grab and remove things delicately. See also /datum/surgery_step/remove_larva.
SURGERY_TOOLS_PRY_DELICATETools used to pry things very finely. No crowbar, fork works decently; it can't pinch, but it's easier to maneuver precisely than wirecutters.
SURGERY_TOOLS_MEND_BLOODVESSELTools used to patch damaged bloodvessels. Same tools as SUTURE, but fixovein exists specifically for this work and is best at it.
SURGERY_TOOLS_SUTURETools used to suture damaged flesh. Same tools as BLOODVESSEL, but surgical line is ideal for this.
SURGERY_TOOLS_SEVER_BONETools used to sever limb bones. Same tools as /datum/surgery_step/saw_encased, but with hacking/chopping tools being better than sawing. See also /datum/surgery_step/saw_off_limb/failure var/list/cannot_hack, listing the tools that can't instantly chop a limb.
SURGERY_TOOLS_PRY_ENCASEDTools used to open and close ribs/skull. Heavy-duty prying, haemostat/wirecutter won't cut it.
SURGERY_TOOLS_BONE_MENDTools used to patch lightly damaged bones or before setting. May need surgical line in future.

Define Details


Multiplier to surgery times when working on yourself.


Deep incision - opened ribcage/skull.


An incision has been opened.


No incision.


The (no) chance of failure for surgery because the correct tools/conditions are used or skill compensates


The chance of failure for surgery because the the tool and ground is some combination worse than awful and skill can't compensate enough


The chance of failure for surgery because the the tool/ground is SURGERY_TOOL_MULT_AWFUL/SURGERY_SURFACE_MULT_AWFUL and skill can't compensate enough


The chance of failure for surgery because the the tool/ground is SURGERY_TOOL_MULT_BAD_SUBSTITUTE/SURGERY_SURFACE_MULT_UNSUITED and skill can't compensate enough


Appears second in lists. Ex. IB fix, bleeding surgeries. Life-threatening or liable to get worse.


Appears fourth in lists. Ex. opening ribs, amputation. Things that shouldn't be at the top of a list.


Appears first in lists. Ex. larva surgery, opening incision. Immediately life-threatening or initiation surgeries.


Appears last in lists. Ex. cauterizing incision, closing ribcage. Concluding steps.


Appears third in lists. Ex. bone fix, tending wounds. Worth doing but not immediately threatening. Most surgeries will be here.


A surface that's adequate for surgery, if not ideal.


A surface that's utterly unsuitable for complex surgery. Worst possible case.


A surface that's ideal for performing surgeries.


A surface unsuited for surgery, but better than nothing.


Tools used to patch lightly damaged bones or before setting. May need surgical line in future.


Tools used to close incisions. May need surgical line in future. Check /datum/surgery_step/cauterize var/tools_lit if adding activatable tools.


Tools used to open incisions or cut flesh. IMS listed separately as the generic incision surgery uses it to skip steps. PICT isn't as fast as standard to disincentivise using it instead of a normal scalpel. See also /datum/surgery_step/cut_larval_pseudoroots, /datum/surgery_step/retract_skin.


Tools used to patch damaged bloodvessels. Same tools as SUTURE, but fixovein exists specifically for this work and is best at it.


Tools routinely used to hit people, which wouldn't make sense to give 'you can't open an incision with xyz' messages.


Tools used to grab and remove things delicately. See also /datum/surgery_step/remove_larva.


Tools used to pry things very finely. No crowbar, fork works decently; it can't pinch, but it's easier to maneuver precisely than wirecutters.


Tools used to open and close ribs/skull. Heavy-duty prying, haemostat/wirecutter won't cut it.


Tools used to sever limb bones. Same tools as /datum/surgery_step/saw_encased, but with hacking/chopping tools being better than sawing. See also /datum/surgery_step/saw_off_limb/failure var/list/cannot_hack, listing the tools that can't instantly chop a limb.


Tools used to suture damaged flesh. Same tools as BLOODVESSEL, but surgical line is ideal for this.


A tool that's badly unsuitable for the surgery. Worst usable case. Using a glass shard instead of a scalpel, using a bayonet to saw off a limb's bone.


An improvised substitute for an ill-fitting tool. Using wirecutters instead of a retractor.


A tool that's perfect for the surgery.


A tool that's a good, if not ideal, fit for the surgery -- generally a real surgical tool used slightly out of its role. Haemostat instead of retractor, fixovein instead of sutures.


A tool that's functional, but hardly good. Generally an improvised substitute for a well-matching tool - wirecutters instead of haemostat.


checks if the item has a path that can be specifically used in a surgery step and is not flagged to not message on failed init - ex. cable coil, trauma kits etc.


checks if the item has a path that can be specifically used in a surgery step.