FACEHUGGER_WINDUP_DURATION | The duration it takes a player controlled facehugger to leap or hug adjacently |
XENO_ATTACK_ACTION | Full attack delay. |
XENO_NONCOMBAT_ACTION | Noticeable but shorter than full delay. |
XENO_NO_DELAY_ACTION | No delay at all. |
xeno_attack_delay | Usually 1 second delay. |
xeno_noncombat_delay | 0.4 seconds, legacy 'open hand clicked something adjacent' delay. |
xeno_miss_delay | Usually half a second's delay. |
SINGLETARGETGUT | Defines for Abomination ability /datum/action/xeno_action/activable/feralfrenzy |
BUILD_TIME_MULT_LESSER_DRONE | Multiplier for time taken for a xeno to place down a resin structure |
XENO_NOBODY | Nobody can create constructions. (Feral) |
WEED_XENO_DAMAGEMULT | Multiplicative. The amount of damage xenos do to weeds. |
XENO_JOIN_DEAD_LARVA_TIME | The time you must be dead to join as a xeno larva |
XENO_JOIN_DEAD_TIME | The time you must be dead to join as xeno (not larva) |
XENO_JOIN_AFK_TIME_LIMIT | The time of inactivity you cannot exceed to join as a xeno |
XENO_BURIED_LARVA_TIME_LIMIT | The amount of time after round start before buried larva spawns are disallowed |
XENO_COMM_ACQUISITION_TIME | The time when xenos can start taking over comm towers |
XENO_PYLON_ACTIVATION_COOLDOWN | The time it takes for a pylon to give one royal resin while activated |
XENO_PYLON_DESTRUCTION_DELAY | The time until you can re-corrupt a comms relay after the last pylon was destroyed |
XENO_HIJACK_EVILUTION_BUFF | Evolution boost during hijack |
XENO_HIJACK_EVILUTION_TIME | For how long the buff lasts |
HIJACK_RATIO_FOR_TACMAP | If this is marine to xeno ratio during hijack, xenos see marines on tacmap |
ENDGAME_LARVA_CAP_MULTIPLIER | Xenos need to have their number to marines ratio lower than this to get larvae from pylons |
LARVA_ADDITION_MULTIPLIER | What percent of their numbers xeno get from pylons |
XENO_LEAVE_TIMER_LARVA | The time against away_timer when an AFK xeno larva can be replaced |
XENO_LEAVE_TIMER | The time against away_timer when an AFK xeno (not larva) can be replaced |
XENO_FACEHUGGER_LEAVE_TIMER | The time against away_timer when an AFK facehugger converts to a npc |
XENO_AVAILABLE_TIMER | The time against away_timer when an AFK xeno gets listed in the available list so ghosts can get ready |
WEED_EXPLOSION_DAMAGEMULT | Between 2% to 10% of explosion severity |
Define Details
Multiplier for time taken for a xeno to place down a resin structure
Xenos need to have their number to marines ratio lower than this to get larvae from pylons
The duration it takes a player controlled facehugger to leap or hug adjacently
If this is marine to xeno ratio during hijack, xenos see marines on tacmap
What percent of their numbers xeno get from pylons
Defines for Abomination ability /datum/action/xeno_action/activable/feralfrenzy
Between 2% to 10% of explosion severity
Multiplicative. The amount of damage xenos do to weeds.
Full attack delay.
The time against away_timer when an AFK xeno gets listed in the available list so ghosts can get ready
The amount of time after round start before buried larva spawns are disallowed
The time when xenos can start taking over comm towers
The time against away_timer when an AFK facehugger converts to a npc
Evolution boost during hijack
For how long the buff lasts
The time of inactivity you cannot exceed to join as a xeno
The time you must be dead to join as a xeno larva
The time you must be dead to join as xeno (not larva)
The time against away_timer when an AFK xeno (not larva) can be replaced
The time against away_timer when an AFK xeno larva can be replaced
Nobody can create constructions. (Feral)
Noticeable but shorter than full delay.
No delay at all.
The time it takes for a pylon to give one royal resin while activated
The time until you can re-corrupt a comms relay after the last pylon was destroyed
Usually 1 second delay.
Usually half a second's delay.
0.4 seconds, legacy 'open hand clicked something adjacent' delay.