byond - Modules - TypesDefine Details


debug_msgA message define designed to be easily found and deleted
LAZYFINDReturns the key of the submitted item in the list
LAZYADDASSOCAdds to the item K the value V, if the list is null it will initialize it
LAZYADDASSOCLISTThis is used to add onto lazy assoc list when the value you're adding is a /list/. This one has extra safety over lazyaddassoc because the value could be null (and thus cant be used to += objects)
LAZYREMOVEASSOCRemoves the value V from the item K, if the item K is empty will remove it from the list, if the list is empty will set the list to null
LAZYACCESSASSOCAccesses an associative list, returns null if nothing is found
LAZYORASSOCLISTPerforms an insertion on the given lazy list with the given key and value. If the value already exists, a new one will not be made.

Define Details


Accesses an associative list, returns null if nothing is found


Adds to the item K the value V, if the list is null it will initialize it


This is used to add onto lazy assoc list when the value you're adding is a /list/. This one has extra safety over lazyaddassoc because the value could be null (and thus cant be used to += objects)


Returns the key of the submitted item in the list


Performs an insertion on the given lazy list with the given key and value. If the value already exists, a new one will not be made.


Removes the value V from the item K, if the item K is empty will remove it from the list, if the list is empty will set the list to null


A message define designed to be easily found and deleted