/var/SSminimaps |
/datum/hud_displays | Holder datum for a zlevels data, concerning the overlays and the drawn level itself
The individual image trackers have a raw and a normal list
raw lists just store the images, while the normal ones are assoc list of [tracked_atom] = image
the raw lists are to speed up the Fire() of the subsystem so we dont have to filter through
There is a byond bug: http://www.byond.com/forum/post/2661309
That that forces us to use a separate list ref when accessing the lists of this datum
Yea it hurts me too |
/datum/minimap_updator | Holder datum to ease updating of atoms to update |
/proc/get_tacmap_data_png |
Fetches the datum containing an announced flattend map png reference. |
/proc/get_unannounced_tacmap_data_png |
Fetches the datum containing the latest unannounced flattend map png reference. |
/proc/get_tacmap_data_svg |
Fetches the last set of svg coordinates for the tacmap drawing. |
/proc/resend_current_map_png |
Re-sends relevant flattened tacmaps to a single client. |
/atom/movable/screen/minimap | Default HUD screen minimap object |
/datum/action/minimap | Action that gives the owner access to the minimap pool |
/proc/get_minimap_flag_for_faction |
Gets the MINIMAP_FLAG for the provided faction or hivenumber if one exists |