byond - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

generic bullet


accuracyThis is added to the bullet's base accuracy.
accuracy_var_highThis INCREASES the upper bound of accuracy variance by 2%, to 107%.
accuracy_var_lowHow much the accuracy varies when fired. // This REDUCES the lower bound of accuracy variance by 2%, to 96%.
accurate_rangeFor most guns, this is where the bullet dramatically looses accuracy. Not for snipers though.
accurate_range_minSnipers use this to simulate poor accuracy at close ranges
apply_delegateDoes this apply xenomorph behaviour delegate?
bonus_projectiles_amountHow many extra projectiles it shoots out. Works kind of like firing on burst, but all of the projectiles travel together
bonus_projectiles_typeType path of the extra projectiles
damageThis is the base damage of the bullet as it is fired
damage_armor_punchhow much armor breaking is done by sheer weapon force. This is for big blunt weapons
damage_buildupHow much damage the bullet loses per turf away before the effective range
damage_falloffHow much damage the bullet loses per turf traveled after the effective range
damage_typeBRUTE, BURN, TOX, OXY, CLONE are the only things that should be in here
damage_var_highThis INCREASES the upper bound of damage variance by 2%, to 107%.
damage_var_lowSame as with accuracy variance.
effective_range_maxWhat maximum range the ammo deals full damage, tapers off using damage_falloff after hitting this value. 0 for no maximum. Added onto gun range as a modifier.
effective_range_minWhat minimum range the ammo deals full damage, builds up the closer you get. 0 for no minimum. Added onto gun range as a modifier.
handful_statecustom handful sprite, for shotgun shells or etc.
hit_effect_colorThe flicker that plays when a bullet hits a target. Usually red. Can be nulled so it doesn't show up at all.
hits_lying_mobsWhether or not this ammo ignores mobs that are lying down
max_rangeThis will de-increment a counter on the bullet.
multiple_handful_nameso handfuls say 'buckshot shells' not 'shell'
pen_armor_punchhow much armor breaking will be done per point of penetration. This is for weapons that penetrate with their shape (like needle bullets)
penetrationHow much armor it ignores before calculations take place
pingThe icon that is displayed when the bullet bounces off something.
scatterHow much the ammo scatters when burst fired, added to gun scatter, along with other mods
shell_speedHow fast the projectile moves.
shrapnel_chanceThe % chance it will imbed in a human
shrapnel_typeThe shrapnel type the ammo will embed, if the chance rolls
sound_armorWhen it's blocked by human armor.
sound_bounceWhen it bounces off something.
sound_hitWhen it deals damage.
sound_missWhen it misses someone.
sound_overrideif we should play a special sound when firing.
sound_shield_hitWhen the bullet is absorbed by a xeno_shield
traits_to_giveAn assoc list in the format list(/datum/element/bullet_trait_to_give = list(...args)) that will be given to a projectile with the current ammo datum


knockback_effectsEither knockback or slam them into an obstacle. The applied effects for knockback(), overwrite to change slow/stun amounts for different ammo datums
on_pointblankSpecial effects when pointblanking mobs. Ultimately called from /living/attackby(). Return TRUE to end the PB attempt.
set_bullet_traitsPopulate traits_to_give in this proc

Var Details


This is added to the bullet's base accuracy.


This INCREASES the upper bound of accuracy variance by 2%, to 107%.


How much the accuracy varies when fired. // This REDUCES the lower bound of accuracy variance by 2%, to 96%.


For most guns, this is where the bullet dramatically looses accuracy. Not for snipers though.


Snipers use this to simulate poor accuracy at close ranges


Does this apply xenomorph behaviour delegate?


How many extra projectiles it shoots out. Works kind of like firing on burst, but all of the projectiles travel together


Type path of the extra projectiles


This is the base damage of the bullet as it is fired


how much armor breaking is done by sheer weapon force. This is for big blunt weapons


How much damage the bullet loses per turf away before the effective range


How much damage the bullet loses per turf traveled after the effective range


BRUTE, BURN, TOX, OXY, CLONE are the only things that should be in here


This INCREASES the upper bound of damage variance by 2%, to 107%.


Same as with accuracy variance.




What maximum range the ammo deals full damage, tapers off using damage_falloff after hitting this value. 0 for no maximum. Added onto gun range as a modifier.


What minimum range the ammo deals full damage, builds up the closer you get. 0 for no minimum. Added onto gun range as a modifier.


custom handful sprite, for shotgun shells or etc.


The flicker that plays when a bullet hits a target. Usually red. Can be nulled so it doesn't show up at all.


Whether or not this ammo ignores mobs that are lying down


This will de-increment a counter on the bullet.


so handfuls say 'buckshot shells' not 'shell'


how much armor breaking will be done per point of penetration. This is for weapons that penetrate with their shape (like needle bullets)


How much armor it ignores before calculations take place


The icon that is displayed when the bullet bounces off something.


How much the ammo scatters when burst fired, added to gun scatter, along with other mods


How fast the projectile moves.


The % chance it will imbed in a human


The shrapnel type the ammo will embed, if the chance rolls


When it's blocked by human armor.


When it bounces off something.


When it deals damage.


When it misses someone.


if we should play a special sound when firing.


When the bullet is absorbed by a xeno_shield


An assoc list in the format list(/datum/element/bullet_trait_to_give = list(...args)) that will be given to a projectile with the current ammo datum

Proc Details


Either knockback or slam them into an obstacle. The applied effects for knockback(), overwrite to change slow/stun amounts for different ammo datums


Special effects when pointblanking mobs. Ultimately called from /living/attackby(). Return TRUE to end the PB attempt.


Populate traits_to_give in this proc