Vars | |
assoc_mobile | Now it's only for ID generation in /obj/docking_port/mobile/register() |
assoc_stationary | Now it's only for ID generation in /obj/docking_port/stationary/register() |
existing_shuttle | The existing shuttle associated with the selected shuttle map_template. |
loading_shuttle | Are we currently in the process of loading a shuttle? Useful to ensure we don't load more than one at once, to avoid weird inconsistencies and possible runtimes. |
lockdown | Disallow transit after nuke goes off |
mobile | A list of all the mobile docking ports. |
preview_reservation | The turf reservation for the current previewed shuttle. |
preview_shuttle | The docking port associated to the preview_template that's currently being previewed. |
preview_template | The shuttle map_template of the shuttle we want to preview. |
selected | The currently selected shuttle map_template in the shuttle manipulator's template viewer. |
stationary | A list of all the stationary docking ports. |
transit | A list of all the transit docking ports. |
transit_request_failures | An associative list of the mobile docking ports that have failed a transit request, with the amount of times they've actually failed that transit request, up to MAX_TRANSIT_REQUEST_RETRIES |
transit_requesters | A list of all the mobile docking ports currently requesting a spot in hyperspace. |
transit_utilized | How many turfs our shuttles are currently utilizing in reservation space |
Procs | |
action_load | Loads a shuttle template and sends it to a given destination port, optionally replacing the existing shuttle |
get_template_shuttle | Tries to get a shuttle based on its original template id (rather than one that may have an additional identifier) |
load_template | Loads a shuttle template into the transit Z level, usually referred to elsewhere in the code as a shuttle preview. Does not register the shuttle so it can't be used yet, that's handled in action_load() |
moveShuttle | Moves a shuttle to a new location |
transit_space_clearing | Gotta manage our space brother |
unload_preview | Removes the preview_shuttle from the transit Z-level |
Var Details
Now it's only for ID generation in /obj/docking_port/mobile/register()
Now it's only for ID generation in /obj/docking_port/stationary/register()
The existing shuttle associated with the selected shuttle map_template.
Are we currently in the process of loading a shuttle? Useful to ensure we don't load more than one at once, to avoid weird inconsistencies and possible runtimes.
Disallow transit after nuke goes off
A list of all the mobile docking ports.
The turf reservation for the current previewed shuttle.
The docking port associated to the preview_template that's currently being previewed.
The shuttle map_template of the shuttle we want to preview.
The currently selected shuttle map_template in the shuttle manipulator's template viewer.
A list of all the stationary docking ports.
A list of all the transit docking ports.
An associative list of the mobile docking ports that have failed a transit request, with the amount of times they've actually failed that transit request, up to MAX_TRANSIT_REQUEST_RETRIES
A list of all the mobile docking ports currently requesting a spot in hyperspace.
How many turfs our shuttles are currently utilizing in reservation space
Proc Details
Loads a shuttle template and sends it to a given destination port, optionally replacing the existing shuttle
- loading_template - The shuttle template to load
- destination_port - The station docking port to send the shuttle to once loaded
- to_replace - A shuttle to replace, otherwise we create a new one
Tries to get a shuttle based on its original template id (rather than one that may have an additional identifier)
Loads a shuttle template into the transit Z level, usually referred to elsewhere in the code as a shuttle preview. Does not register the shuttle so it can't be used yet, that's handled in action_load()
- loading_template - The shuttle template to load
Moves a shuttle to a new location
- id - The ID of the shuttle (mobile docking port) to move
- dock_id - The ID of the destination (stationary docking port) to move to
- timed - If true, have the shuttle follow normal spool-up, jump, dock process. If false, immediately move to the new location.
Gotta manage our space brother
Removes the preview_shuttle from the transit Z-level