byond - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



auto_observeIf this client has auto observe enabled, used by /datum/orbit_menu
completed_tutorialsA list of tutorials that the client has completed, saved across rounds
custom_cursorsif this client has custom cursors enabled
errorsThis contains any potential issues with the users' preferences, and presents them on the lobby screen
gearFluff items that the user is equipped with on spawn.
loadoutLoadout items that the user is equipped with on spawn.
loadout_slot_namesMapping of jobs to slot numbers to names, to allow users to customise slots
pref_job_slotsHolds assignment of character slots to jobs.
pref_special_job_optionsholds our preferred job options for jobs
read_traitsState var to check if traits have been read in to modify. trait points.
selected_loadout_slotWhich slot is currently in use
tooltipsif this client has tooltips enabled
trait_pointsState var for preferences to track trait points. Change this value to set the amount of trait points you start with.
traitsThe list of traits a client will gives its human mob upon spawn. Store as typepaths.


SetChoicesJob Preferences: Preferences for role at round start.
check_keybindingschecks through keybindings for outdated unbound keys and updates them
check_slot_prefsChecks if any job selected has a loadout, and if this is not selected, prompt the user to select it on the lobby screen
close_all_pickersthe loadout picker does a lot of work in static data, so Closes all the TGUI interfaces inside the character prefs menu
copy_all_toTransfers both physical characteristics and character information to character
find_assigned_slotLoads appropriate character slot for the given job as assigned in preferences.
get_active_loadoutGets the currently selected loadout of the provided job, or the job selected on "High"
get_high_priority_jobReturns the role that is selected on High
has_loadout_for_roleIf the user has any loadout pre-selected for the given role
set_job_slotsJob Assignments window: Assign unique characters to a particular job.
tutorial_list_to_savestringConverts a client's list of completed tutorials into a string for saving
tutorial_savestring_to_listConverts a saved string of completed tutorials into a list for in-game use
update_all_pickersRefreshes all open TGUI interfaces inside the character prefs menu
update_slotIf the role being equipped into has role-specific loadout, offer the player the option to change their slot

Var Details


If this client has auto observe enabled, used by /datum/orbit_menu


A list of tutorials that the client has completed, saved across rounds


if this client has custom cursors enabled


This contains any potential issues with the users' preferences, and presents them on the lobby screen


Fluff items that the user is equipped with on spawn.


Loadout items that the user is equipped with on spawn.


Mapping of jobs to slot numbers to names, to allow users to customise slots


Holds assignment of character slots to jobs.


holds our preferred job options for jobs


State var to check if traits have been read in to modify. trait points.


Which slot is currently in use


if this client has tooltips enabled


State var for preferences to track trait points. Change this value to set the amount of trait points you start with.


The list of traits a client will gives its human mob upon spawn. Store as typepaths.

Proc Details


Job Preferences: Preferences for role at round start.



checks through keybindings for outdated unbound keys and updates them


Checks if any job selected has a loadout, and if this is not selected, prompt the user to select it on the lobby screen


the loadout picker does a lot of work in static data, so Closes all the TGUI interfaces inside the character prefs menu


Transfers both physical characteristics and character information to character


Loads appropriate character slot for the given job as assigned in preferences.


Gets the currently selected loadout of the provided job, or the job selected on "High"


Returns the role that is selected on High


If the user has any loadout pre-selected for the given role


Job Assignments window: Assign unique characters to a particular job.



Converts a client's list of completed tutorials into a string for saving


Converts a saved string of completed tutorials into a list for in-game use


Refreshes all open TGUI interfaces inside the character prefs menu


If the role being equipped into has role-specific loadout, offer the player the option to change their slot