byond - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


this datum is used by the events controller to dictate how it selects events


earliest_startThe earliest world.time that an event can start (round-duration in deciseconds) default: 20 mins
min_playersThe minimum amount of alive, non-AFK human players on server required to start the event.
nameThe human-readable name of the event
occurrencesHow many times this event has occurred
triggeringadmin cancellation
typepathThe typepath of the event datum /datum/round_event
weightThe weight this event has in the random-selection process. Higher weights are more likely to be picked. 10 is the default weight. 20 is twice more likely; 5 is half as likely as this default. 0 here does NOT disable the event, it just makes it extremely unlikely


can_spawn_eventChecks if the event can be spawned. Used by event controller. Admin-created events override this.
stop_random_eventreturns the component for the listener

Var Details


The earliest world.time that an event can start (round-duration in deciseconds) default: 20 mins


The minimum amount of alive, non-AFK human players on server required to start the event.


The human-readable name of the event


How many times this event has occurred


admin cancellation


The typepath of the event datum /datum/round_event


The weight this event has in the random-selection process. Higher weights are more likely to be picked. 10 is the default weight. 20 is twice more likely; 5 is half as likely as this default. 0 here does NOT disable the event, it just makes it extremely unlikely

Proc Details


Checks if the event can be spawned. Used by event controller. Admin-created events override this.


returns the component for the listener