Vars | |
applied | Whether we have applied our light yet or not. |
effect_str | List used to store how much we're affecting corners. |
light_color | The colour of the light, string, decomposed by parse_light_color() |
light_power | Intensity of the emitter light. |
light_range | The range of the emitted light. |
needs_update | whether we are to be added to SSlighting's static_sources_queue list for an update |
pixel_turf | The turf the top_atom appears to over. |
source_atom | The atom that we belong to. |
source_turf | The turf under the source atom. |
top_atom | The atom we're emitting light from (for example a mob if we're from a flashlight that's being held). |
Procs | |
force_update | Will force an update without checking if it's actually needed. |
remove_lum | This is the define used to calculate falloff. |
update | This proc will cause the light source to update the top atom, and add itself to the update queue. |
vis_update | Will cause the light source to recalculate turfs that were removed or added to visibility only. |
Var Details
Whether we have applied our light yet or not.
List used to store how much we're affecting corners.
The colour of the light, string, decomposed by parse_light_color()
Intensity of the emitter light.
The range of the emitted light.
whether we are to be added to SSlighting's static_sources_queue list for an update
The turf the top_atom appears to over.
The atom that we belong to.
The turf under the source atom.
The atom we're emitting light from (for example a mob if we're from a flashlight that's being held).
Proc Details
Will force an update without checking if it's actually needed.
This is the define used to calculate falloff.
This proc will cause the light source to update the top atom, and add itself to the update queue.
Will cause the light source to recalculate turfs that were removed or added to visibility only.