byond - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


The tgui say modal. This initializes an input window which hides until the user presses one of the speech hotkeys. Once something is entered, it will delegate the speech to the proper channel.


clientThe user who opened the window
hurt_phrasesInjury phrases to blurt out
max_lengthMax message length
windowThe modal window
window_openBoolean for whether the tgui_say was opened by the user.


NewCreates the new input window to exist in the background.
alter_entryAlters text when players are injured. Adds text, trims left and right side
closeCloses the window serverside. Closes any open chat bubbles regardless of preference. Logs the event.
delegate_speechNo OOC leaks Random trimming for larger sentences Otherwise limit trim to just last letter Delegates the speech to the proper channel.
force_sayForce say handler. Sends a message to the say modal to send its current value.
handle_entryHandles text entry and forced speech.
initializeAfter a brief period, injects the scripts into the window to listen for open commands.
loadEnsures nothing funny is going on window load. Minimizes the window, sets max length, closes all typing and thinking indicators. This is triggered as soon as the window sends the "ready" message.
on_messageThe equivalent of ui_act, this waits on messages from the window and delegates actions.
openSets the window as "opened" server side, though it is already visible to the user. We do this to set local vars & start typing (if enabled and in an IC channel). Logs the event.
start_thinkingSets the mob as "thinking" - with indicator and variable thinking_IC
start_typingHandles the user typing. After a brief period of inactivity, signals the client mob to revert to the "thinking" icon.
stop_thinkingRemoves typing/thinking indicators and flags the mob as not thinking
stop_typingCallback to remove the typing indicator after a brief period of inactivity. If the user was typing IC, the thinking indicator is shown.

Var Details


The user who opened the window


Injury phrases to blurt out


Max message length


The modal window


Boolean for whether the tgui_say was opened by the user.

Proc Details


Creates the new input window to exist in the background.


Alters text when players are injured. Adds text, trims left and right side

Arguments: payload - a string list containing entry & channel Returns: string - the altered entry


Closes the window serverside. Closes any open chat bubbles regardless of preference. Logs the event.


No OOC leaks Random trimming for larger sentences Otherwise limit trim to just last letter Delegates the speech to the proper channel.

Arguments: entry - the text to broadcast channel - the channel to broadcast in Returns: boolean - on success or failure


Force say handler. Sends a message to the say modal to send its current value.


Handles text entry and forced speech.

Arguments: type - a string "entry" or "force" based on how this function is called payload - a string list containing entry & channel Returns: boolean - success or failure


After a brief period, injects the scripts into the window to listen for open commands.


Ensures nothing funny is going on window load. Minimizes the window, sets max length, closes all typing and thinking indicators. This is triggered as soon as the window sends the "ready" message.


The equivalent of ui_act, this waits on messages from the window and delegates actions.


Sets the window as "opened" server side, though it is already visible to the user. We do this to set local vars & start typing (if enabled and in an IC channel). Logs the event.

Arguments: payload - A list containing the channel the window was opened in.


Sets the mob as "thinking" - with indicator and variable thinking_IC


Handles the user typing. After a brief period of inactivity, signals the client mob to revert to the "thinking" icon.


Removes typing/thinking indicators and flags the mob as not thinking


Callback to remove the typing indicator after a brief period of inactivity. If the user was typing IC, the thinking indicator is shown.