A tutorial datum contains a set of instructions for a player tutorial, such as what to spawn, what's scripted to occur, and so on.
Vars | |
bottom_left_corner | Ref to the bottom-left corner tile of the tutorial room |
category | What category the tutorial should be under |
completion_marked | If the tutorial has been completed. This doesn't need to be modified if you call end_tutorial() with a param of TRUE |
desc | A short 1-2 sentence description of the tutorial itself |
icon_state | What the tutorial's icon in the UI should look like |
name | What the tutorial is called, is player facing |
parent_path | What is the parent path of this, to exclude from the tutorial menu |
player_bind_dict | A dictionary of "bind_name" : "keybind_button". The inverse of key_bindings on a client's prefs |
required_tutorial | The tutorial_id of what tutorial has to be completed before being able to do this tutorial |
reservation | Ref to the turf reservation for this tutorial |
tracking_atoms | A dict of type:atom ref for some important junk that should be trackable |
tutorial_ending | If the tutorial will be ending soon |
tutorial_id | Internal ID of the tutorial, kept for save files. Format is "tutorialtype_specifictutorial_number". So, the first basic xeno tutorial would be "xeno_basic_1", and the 2nd marine medical tutorial would be "marine_medical_2" |
tutorial_mob | Ref to the player who is doing the tutorial |
tutorial_template | What map template should be used for the tutorial |
Procs | |
abort_tutorial | Something went very, very wrong during load so let's abort |
end_tutorial | The proc used to end and clean up the tutorial |
generate_binds | Generate a dictionary of button : action for use of referencing what keys to press |
init_map | Initialize any objects that need to be in the tutorial area from the beginning. |
init_mob | Initialize the tutorial mob. |
loc_from_corner | Returns a turf offset by offset_x (left-to-right) and offset_y (up-to-down) |
mark_completed | When called, will make anything that ends the tutorial mark it as completed. Does not need to be called if end_tutorial(TRUE) is called instead |
message_to_player | Broadcast a message to the player's screen |
on_ghost | Handle the player ghosting out |
on_logout | Called whenever the tutorial_mob logs out |
retrieve_bind | Getter for player_bind_dict. Provide an action name like "North" or "quick_equip" |
signal_end_tutorial | A wrapper for signals to call end_tutorial() |
start_tutorial | The proc to begin doing everything related to the tutorial |
tutorial_end_in | Ends the tutorial after a certain amount of time. |
update_objective | Updates a player's objective in their status tab |
verify_template_loaded | Verify the template loaded fully and without error. |
Var Details
Ref to the bottom-left corner tile of the tutorial room
What category the tutorial should be under
If the tutorial has been completed. This doesn't need to be modified if you call end_tutorial() with a param of TRUE
A short 1-2 sentence description of the tutorial itself
What the tutorial's icon in the UI should look like
What the tutorial is called, is player facing
What is the parent path of this, to exclude from the tutorial menu
A dictionary of "bind_name" : "keybind_button". The inverse of key_bindings
on a client's prefs
The tutorial_id of what tutorial has to be completed before being able to do this tutorial
Ref to the turf reservation for this tutorial
A dict of type:atom ref for some important junk that should be trackable
If the tutorial will be ending soon
Internal ID of the tutorial, kept for save files. Format is "tutorialtype_specifictutorial_number". So, the first basic xeno tutorial would be "xeno_basic_1", and the 2nd marine medical tutorial would be "marine_medical_2"
Ref to the player who is doing the tutorial
What map template should be used for the tutorial
Proc Details
Something went very, very wrong during load so let's abort
The proc used to end and clean up the tutorial
Generate a dictionary of button : action for use of referencing what keys to press
Initialize any objects that need to be in the tutorial area from the beginning.
Initialize the tutorial mob.
Returns a turf offset by offset_x (left-to-right) and offset_y (up-to-down)
When called, will make anything that ends the tutorial mark it as completed. Does not need to be called if end_tutorial(TRUE) is called instead
Broadcast a message to the player's screen
Handle the player ghosting out
Called whenever the tutorial_mob logs out
Getter for player_bind_dict. Provide an action name like "North" or "quick_equip"
A wrapper for signals to call end_tutorial()
The proc to begin doing everything related to the tutorial
Ends the tutorial after a certain amount of time.
Updates a player's objective in their status tab
Verify the template loaded fully and without error.