Marine - Requistions Line
Simulates the Requisitions Line experience for newcomers
Vars | |
active_agent | Active agent currently at the line |
agents | List of line 'agents', aka the dummies requesting items, sorted by line order During normal stages there is one per stage (except for Forgot stage), During Survival mode there would usually be two: one at the counter, and one moving. The agents are mapped to a list of item types requested. |
confused_cooldown | Cooldown of confusion if an incorrect item is presented |
confused_types | Crutch for confusion feedback to work with vending new()ing directly to table - only act surprised once per item type |
hint_timer | Current "hint" timer after which we display visual cues like highlights |
loser_agent | Specifically for TUTORIAL_REQS_LINE_STAGE_MIXED, the agent that forgot an item |
max_survival_agents | Max amount of agents per survival wave |
remind_timer | Current "remind" timer after which the agent will remind player of its request |
stage | Current step of the tutorial we're at |
survival_difficulty | Difficulty factor per survival wave, increasing both the amount of agents and requested items |
survival_request_random_factor | Max factor of additional items requested per agent in survival mode. 0.5 = 50% added maximum |
survival_wave | Current survival wave |
Procs | |
a_new_challenger_appears | Called when an agent presents at the line window and needs to make a request |
agent_step | Makes agents move on processing tick if they can. They check surroundings to ensure proper movement flow. |
clean_agent | Cleanup when an agent reaches the exit |
clean_items | Cleanup the table and ground contents when an agent leaves the line |
item_offered | Triggered when an object is put on the table. The agent evaluates if that's something they want and reacts appropriately. |
kill_timers | Kills active timers to reset state |
remind_request | Called when we need to remind the user of what we want served |
restock_one_vendor | Refills a specific vendor to 99 items across the board |
restock_vendors | Refills all the vendors on stage updates so the player shouldn't run out of stock |
scan_table_for_items | Re-scan the table/trade turf for any present items. We have to do this because items vended to the table do not move onto it. |
send_hints | Displays appropriate hints for the user based on tutorial stage |
spawn_agent | Creates a new agent with the given request list to queue in the line |
spawn_survival_agent | Called to generate a single agent and request |
spawn_survival_wave | Called to generate a new survival wave of agents |
user_in_position | Called when the player is in position to start handling the line |
verbalize_request | Transforms the list of required items by the agent into a string request for the user |
Var Details
Active agent currently at the line
List of line 'agents', aka the dummies requesting items, sorted by line order During normal stages there is one per stage (except for Forgot stage), During Survival mode there would usually be two: one at the counter, and one moving. The agents are mapped to a list of item types requested.
Cooldown of confusion if an incorrect item is presented
Crutch for confusion feedback to work with vending new()ing directly to table - only act surprised once per item type
Current "hint" timer after which we display visual cues like highlights
Specifically for TUTORIAL_REQS_LINE_STAGE_MIXED, the agent that forgot an item
Max amount of agents per survival wave
Current "remind" timer after which the agent will remind player of its request
Current step of the tutorial we're at
Difficulty factor per survival wave, increasing both the amount of agents and requested items
Max factor of additional items requested per agent in survival mode. 0.5 = 50% added maximum
Current survival wave
Proc Details
Called when an agent presents at the line window and needs to make a request
Makes agents move on processing tick if they can. They check surroundings to ensure proper movement flow.
Cleanup when an agent reaches the exit
Cleanup the table and ground contents when an agent leaves the line
Triggered when an object is put on the table. The agent evaluates if that's something they want and reacts appropriately.
Kills active timers to reset state
Called when we need to remind the user of what we want served
Refills a specific vendor to 99 items across the board
Refills all the vendors on stage updates so the player shouldn't run out of stock
Re-scan the table/trade turf for any present items. We have to do this because items vended to the table do not move onto it.
Displays appropriate hints for the user based on tutorial stage
Creates a new agent with the given request list to queue in the line
Called to generate a single agent and request
Called to generate a new survival wave of agents
Called when the player is in position to start handling the line
Transforms the list of required items by the agent into a string request for the user