Vars | |
admin_larva_protection | If the observer is an admin, are they excluded from the xeno queue? |
bypass_time_of_death_checks | Used to bypass time of death checks such as when being selected for larva |
bypass_time_of_death_checks_hugger | Used to bypass time of death checks for a successful hug |
larva_queue_cached_message | The last message for this player with their larva queue information |
observe_target_client | The target client that the ghost is observing. |
observe_target_mob | The target mob that the ghost is observing. |
Procs | |
clean_observe_target | Removes all signals and data related to the observe target and resets observer's HUD/eye |
do_observe | makes the ghost see the target hud and sets the eye at the target. |
format_jump | Format text and links to JuMP/FoLloW something |
observe_target_ghosting | When the observe target ghosts our observer disconnect from their screen updates |
observe_target_login | When the observe target logs in our observer connect to the new client |
observe_target_new_mind | When the observe target gets a new mind our observer connects to the new client's screens |
observe_target_screen_add | When the observer target gets a screen, our observer gets a screen minus some game screens we don't want the observer to touch |
observe_target_screen_remove | When the observer target loses a screen, our observer loses it as well |
observer_move_react | When the observer moves we disconnect from the observe target if we aren't on the same turf |
toggle_predator_action | This proc is called when a predator round is toggled by the admin verb, as well as when a ghost logs in |
Var Details
If the observer is an admin, are they excluded from the xeno queue?
Used to bypass time of death checks such as when being selected for larva
Used to bypass time of death checks for a successful hug
The last message for this player with their larva queue information
The target client that the ghost is observing.
The target mob that the ghost is observing.
Proc Details
Removes all signals and data related to the observe target and resets observer's HUD/eye
makes the ghost see the target hud and sets the eye at the target.
Format text and links to JuMP/FoLloW something
When the observe target ghosts our observer disconnect from their screen updates
When the observe target logs in our observer connect to the new client
When the observe target gets a new mind our observer connects to the new client's screens
When the observer target gets a screen, our observer gets a screen minus some game screens we don't want the observer to touch
When the observer target loses a screen, our observer loses it as well
When the observer moves we disconnect from the observe target if we aren't on the same turf
This proc is called when a predator round is toggled by the admin verb, as well as when a ghost logs in