Vars | |
bloody_footsteps | The number of bloody foot steps left to make |
criminal | used to determine if precise taser will shoot. Security code is so convoluted it's the easiest way, sorry. |
embedded_items | A list of all the shrapnel currently embedded in the human |
focused_fire_marker | Stored image references associated with focus-fire. |
grad_style | Style used for the hair gradient. |
icon_render_image_cache | static associated list of limb key -> image to avoid unnecessary overlay generation |
icon_render_keys | associated list of body part zone -> currently active limb key |
remembered_dropped_objects | list of weakrefs of recently dropped objects |
traits | The list of traits a human has. Store as typepaths. |
Procs | |
attack_animal | Reduces effects by armor value. |
auto_observed | Handles any storage containers that the human is looking inside when auto-observed. |
drop_inv_item_on_ground | Default delay Multiplier for how quickly the user can strip things. The total skill level of CQC & Police Delay then gets + 0.5s per skill level, so long as not dead or cuffed. Final result is overall delay * speed multiplier |
force_say | Makes the player force say what's in their current input box. |
get_eye_protection | get_eye_protection() Returns a number between -1 to 2 |
get_pulse | generates realistic-ish pulse output based on preset levels. method == GETPULSE_HAND is for hands, GETPULSE_TOOL is for machines, more accurate |
handle_hugger_attachment | Human hugger handling |
holster_verb | For the holster hotkey |
is_heart_broken | Returns whether this person has a broken heart but is otherwise revivable |
on_dazed_trait_gain | Pain should override the SetEyeBlur(0) should the pain be painful enough to cause eyeblur in the first place. Also, peepers is essential to make sure eye damage isn't overridden. |
update_damage_overlays | Recalculates and reapplies damage overlays to every limb |
update_headshot_overlay | Handles headshot images. These render above hair and below hats/helmets. Must be given a headshot_state or it just removes the overlay. Applied by gun suicide and high impact bullet executions, removed by rejuvenate, since such people are otherwise unrevivable. |
update_leg_status | Updates TRAIT_FLOORED based on whether the mob has appropriate limbs to stand or not |
update_undergarments | If this human should have underwear, reapply the overlays |
update_undershirt | Checks if the mob's specific /datum/sprite_accessory/undershirt should be equipped |
update_underwear | Checks if the mob's specific /datum/sprite_accessory/underwear should be equipped |
view_manifest | Final message detailing injuries on the target. Is the target the user or somebody else? |
Var Details
The number of bloody foot steps left to make
used to determine if precise taser will shoot. Security code is so convoluted it's the easiest way, sorry.
A list of all the shrapnel currently embedded in the human
Stored image references associated with focus-fire.
Style used for the hair gradient.
static associated list of limb key -> image to avoid unnecessary overlay generation
associated list of body part zone -> currently active limb key
list of weakrefs of recently dropped objects
The list of traits a human has. Store as typepaths.
Proc Details
Reduces effects by armor value.
Handles any storage containers that the human is looking inside when auto-observed.
Default delay Multiplier for how quickly the user can strip things. The total skill level of CQC & Police Delay then gets + 0.5s per skill level, so long as not dead or cuffed. Final result is overall delay * speed multiplier
Makes the player force say what's in their current input box.
get_eye_protection() Returns a number between -1 to 2
generates realistic-ish pulse output based on preset levels. method == GETPULSE_HAND is for hands, GETPULSE_TOOL is for machines, more accurate
Human hugger handling
For the holster hotkey
Returns whether this person has a broken heart but is otherwise revivable
Pain should override the SetEyeBlur(0) should the pain be painful enough to cause eyeblur in the first place. Also, peepers is essential to make sure eye damage isn't overridden.
Recalculates and reapplies damage overlays to every limb
Handles headshot images. These render above hair and below hats/helmets. Must be given a headshot_state or it just removes the overlay. Applied by gun suicide and high impact bullet executions, removed by rejuvenate, since such people are otherwise unrevivable.
Updates TRAIT_FLOORED based on whether the mob has appropriate limbs to stand or not
If this human should have underwear, reapply the overlays
Checks if the mob's specific /datum/sprite_accessory/undershirt should be equipped
Checks if the mob's specific /datum/sprite_accessory/underwear should be equipped
Final message detailing injuries on the target. Is the target the user or somebody else?