byond - Modules - TypesVar Details



affected_by_fireWill this mob be affected by fire/napalm? Set to FALSE for all mobs as the implications could be weird due to not being tested for all simple mobs.
cold_damage_per_ticksame as heat_damage_per_tick, only if the bodytemperature it's lower than minbodytemp
emote_hearEmotes that can be heard by other mobs.
emote_seeUnlike speak_emote, the list of things in this variable only show by themselves with no spoken text. IE: Ian barks, Ian yaps.
heat_damage_per_tickamount of damage applied if animal's body temperature is higher than maxbodytemp
speedHigher speed is slower, negative speed is faster.
stop_automated_movementUse this to temporarely stop random movement or to if you write special movement code for animals.
stop_automated_movement_when_pulledWhen set to 1 this stops the animal from moving when someone is pulling it.
unsuitable_atoms_damageThis damage is taken when atmos doesn't fit all the requirements above
wanderDoes the mob wander around when idle?

Var Details


Will this mob be affected by fire/napalm? Set to FALSE for all mobs as the implications could be weird due to not being tested for all simple mobs.


same as heat_damage_per_tick, only if the bodytemperature it's lower than minbodytemp


Emotes that can be heard by other mobs.


Unlike speak_emote, the list of things in this variable only show by themselves with no spoken text. IE: Ian barks, Ian yaps.


amount of damage applied if animal's body temperature is higher than maxbodytemp


Higher speed is slower, negative speed is faster.


Use this to temporarely stop random movement or to if you write special movement code for animals.


When set to 1 this stops the animal from moving when someone is pulling it.


This damage is taken when atmos doesn't fit all the requirements above


Does the mob wander around when idle?