giant lizard
Vars | |
acceptable_foods | A list of foods the mob is interested in eating. The mob will eat anything that has meat protein in it even if it's not in this list. |
aggression_value | If 0, moves the mob out of attacking into idle state. Used to prevent the mob from chasing down targets that did not mean to hurt it. |
bleed_ticks | How many times the mob is going bleed in the Life() proc. |
calm_cooldown | Cooldown for when the mob calms down, so the mob doesn't start attacking immediately after calming down. |
chance_to_rest | Chance of the mob laying down/getting up. |
destruction_targets | Every type of structure that can get attacked in the DestroySurroundings() proc. |
emote_cooldown | Cooldown to stop generic emote spam. |
food_cooldown | Cooldown dictating how long the mob will wait between eating food. |
food_target_ref | A weakref to the food object that the mob is trying to eat. |
growl_message | Cooldown for the growl emote. |
is_eating | Is the mob currently eating the food_target? |
is_ravaging | Are we currently mauling a mob after pouncing them? Used to stop normal attacks on pounced targets. |
is_retreating | Is the mob currently running away from a target? |
max_attack_distance | How far the mob is willing to chase before losing its target. |
pet_emotes | Emotes to play when being pet by a friend. |
pounce_callbacks | Collision callbacks for the pounce proc. |
pounce_cooldown | Cooldown for the pounce ability. |
pounce_cooldown_length | Length of the cooldown for pouncing. |
retreat_attempts | How many times have we attempted to retreat? |
retreat_cooldown | Tied directly to retreat_attempts. If our retreat fail, then we will completely stop trying to retreat for the length of this cooldown. |
sleep_overlay | Reference to the ZZzzz sleep overlay when resting. |
tameable | Can this mob be tamed? |
tongue_icon_holder | Reference to the tongue flick overlay. |
wound_icon_holder | Reference to the wound icon. |
Procs | |
MoveTo | Proc for moving to targets. walk_to() doesn't check for resting and status effects so we will do it ourselves. |
check_food_loc | Proc for checking if someone picked our food target. |
find_target_on_trait_loss | Proc for handling the AI post-status effect. |
growl | Proc for growling. |
handle_food | Proc for when the mob finds food and starts DEVOURING it. |
process_attack_hand | Proc for handling attacking the lizard with a hand for BOTH XENOS AND HUMANS. |
ravagingattack | Ravaging attack, used for when a mob gets pounced or is on the ground. |
try_to_extinguish | Proc that forces the mob to disengage and try to extinguish itself. Will not be called if the mob is already retreating. |
Var Details
A list of foods the mob is interested in eating. The mob will eat anything that has meat protein in it even if it's not in this list.
If 0, moves the mob out of attacking into idle state. Used to prevent the mob from chasing down targets that did not mean to hurt it.
How many times the mob is going bleed in the Life() proc.
Cooldown for when the mob calms down, so the mob doesn't start attacking immediately after calming down.
Chance of the mob laying down/getting up.
Every type of structure that can get attacked in the DestroySurroundings() proc.
Cooldown to stop generic emote spam.
Cooldown dictating how long the mob will wait between eating food.
A weakref to the food object that the mob is trying to eat.
Cooldown for the growl emote.
Is the mob currently eating the food_target?
Are we currently mauling a mob after pouncing them? Used to stop normal attacks on pounced targets.
Is the mob currently running away from a target?
How far the mob is willing to chase before losing its target.
Emotes to play when being pet by a friend.
Collision callbacks for the pounce proc.
Cooldown for the pounce ability.
Length of the cooldown for pouncing.
How many times have we attempted to retreat?
Tied directly to retreat_attempts. If our retreat fail, then we will completely stop trying to retreat for the length of this cooldown.
Reference to the ZZzzz sleep overlay when resting.
Can this mob be tamed?
Reference to the tongue flick overlay.
Reference to the wound icon.
Proc Details
Proc for moving to targets. walk_to() doesn't check for resting and status effects so we will do it ourselves.
Proc for checking if someone picked our food target.
Proc for handling the AI post-status effect.
Proc for growling.
Proc for when the mob finds food and starts DEVOURING it.
Proc for handling attacking the lizard with a hand for BOTH XENOS AND HUMANS.
Ravaging attack, used for when a mob gets pounced or is on the ground.
Proc that forces the mob to disengage and try to extinguish itself. Will not be called if the mob is already retreating.