byond - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



actionslist of /datum/action's that this item has.
actions_typeslist of paths of action datums to give to the item on New().
allowedsuit storage stuff.
appearance_flagstaken from
attack_verbUsed in attackby() to say how something was attacked "[x] has been [z.attack_verb] by [y] with [z]"
blood_colorcolor of the blood on us if there's any.
blood_overlaythis saves our blood splatter overlay, which will be processed not to go over the edges of the sprite
contained_spriteWhen set to true, every single sprite can be found in the one icon .dmi, rather than being spread into onmobs, inhands, and objects
demolition_modA multiplier to an object's force when used against a stucture.
drop_soundSound to be played when item is dropped
drop_varyWhether the drop sound will vary in pitch/frequency
dropvolVolume of drop sound
edgewhether this item is more likely to dismember
equip_soundsSounds played when this item is equipped
fire_intensity_resistanceUsed for stepping onto flame and seeing how much dmg you take and if you're ignited.
flags_armor_protectionsee for appropriate bit flags
flags_cold_protectionflags which determine which body parts are protected from cold. Use the HEAD, UPPER_TORSO, LOWER_TORSO, etc. flags. See
flags_equip_slotThis is used to determine on which slots an item can fit.
flags_heat_protectionflags which determine which body parts are protected from heat. Use the HEAD, UPPER_TORSO, LOWER_TORSO, etc. flags. See
flags_inv_hideThis flag is used to determine when items in someone's inventory cover others. IE helmets making it so you can't see glasses, etc.
flags_inventoryThis flag is used for various clothing/equipment item stuff
flags_itemflags for item stuff that isn't clothing/equipping specific.
force_overlays_onbypass any species specific OnMob overlay blockers
gas_transfer_coefficientfor leaking gas from turf to mask and vice-versa (for masks right now, but at some point, i'd like to include space helmets)
ground_offset_xHow much to offset the item randomly either way alongside X visually
ground_offset_yHow much to offset the item randomly either way alongside Y visually
has_special_table_placementchecks if the item will be specially placed on the table
heat_sourcewhether this item is a source of heat, and how hot it is (in Kelvin).
hitsoundPlay this when you thwack someone with the item
hud_offsetAdjusts the item's position in the HUD, currently only by guns with stock/barrel attachments.
icon_overrideUsed to override hardcoded ON-MOB clothing dmis in human clothing proc (i.e. not the icon_state sprites).
inhand_x_dimensionAllows for bigger than 32x32 sprites, these govern inhand sprites. (Like a longer sword that's normal-sized on your back)
is_objectivelets us know if the item is an objective or not
item_state_slotsoverrides the default
locked_to_mobIf the item uses flag MOB_LOCK_ON_PICKUP, this is the mob owner reference.
map_specific_decorationIf item should have a map specific camo icon
max_heat_protection_temperatureSet this variable to determine up to which temperature (IN KELVIN) the item protects against heat damage. Keep at null to disable protection. Only protects areas set by flags_heat_protection flags
min_cold_protection_temperatureSet this variable to determine down to which temperature (IN KELVIN) the item protects against cold damage. 0 is NOT an acceptable number due to if(varname) tests!! Keep at null to disable protection. Only protects areas set by flags_cold_protection flags
pickup_soundSound to be played when item is picked up
pickup_varyWhether the pickup sound will vary in pitch/frequency
pickupvolVolume of pickup sound
preferred_storageSpecial storages this item prioritizes
pry_capablewhether this item can be used to pry things open.
sharpwhether this item cuts
siemens_coefficientfor electrical admittance/conductance (electrocution checks and shit)
slowdownHow much clothing is slowing you down. Negative values speeds you up
table_setupchecks if the item is set up in the table or not
time_to_equipset to ticks it takes to equip a worn suit.
time_to_unequipset to ticks it takes to unequip a worn suit.
unequip_soundsSounds played when this item is unequipped
uniform_restrictedNeed to wear this uniform to equip this
vision_impairVision impairing effect if worn on head/mask/glasses.
worn_x_dimensionAllows for bigger than 32x32 sprites.
zoom1 if item is actively being used to zoom. For scoped guns and binoculars.
zoom_initial_mob_dirthe initial dir the mob faces when it zooms in
zoomdevicenamename used for message when binoculars/scope is used


MouseDropGrab item when its placed on table
dig_out_shrapnel_checkFor digging shrapnel out of OTHER people, not yourself. Triggered by human/attackby() so target is definitely human. User might not be.
get_camerareturns the overwatch camera the human is wearing
get_garb_overlayGenerates an image overlay based on the provided override_icon_state (handles prefixing for PREFIX_HAT_GARB_OVERRIDE and PREFIX_HELMET_GARB_OVERRIDE)
hands_swappedCalled by /mob/living/carbon/swap_hand() when hands are swapped
is_valid_slotChecks if an item can be put in a slot (string) based on their slot flags (bit flags)
select_gamemode_skinGlobal item proc for all of your unique item skin needs. Works with any item, and will change the skin to whatever you specify here. You can also manually override the icon with a unique skin if wanted, for the outlier cases. Override_icon_state should be a list. Generally requires NO_GAMEMODE_SKIN to not be set for changes to be applied.
set_to_tableSet the item up on a table. @param target: table which is being used to host the item.
teardownCalled to reset the state of the item to not be settled on the table.

Var Details


list of /datum/action's that this item has.


list of paths of action datums to give to the item on New().


suit storage stuff.


taken from


Used in attackby() to say how something was attacked "[x] has been [z.attack_verb] by [y] with [z]"


color of the blood on us if there's any.


this saves our blood splatter overlay, which will be processed not to go over the edges of the sprite


When set to true, every single sprite can be found in the one icon .dmi, rather than being spread into onmobs, inhands, and objects


A multiplier to an object's force when used against a stucture.


Sound to be played when item is dropped


Whether the drop sound will vary in pitch/frequency


Volume of drop sound


whether this item is more likely to dismember


Sounds played when this item is equipped


Used for stepping onto flame and seeing how much dmg you take and if you're ignited.


see for appropriate bit flags


flags which determine which body parts are protected from cold. Use the HEAD, UPPER_TORSO, LOWER_TORSO, etc. flags. See


This is used to determine on which slots an item can fit.


flags which determine which body parts are protected from heat. Use the HEAD, UPPER_TORSO, LOWER_TORSO, etc. flags. See


This flag is used to determine when items in someone's inventory cover others. IE helmets making it so you can't see glasses, etc.


This flag is used for various clothing/equipment item stuff


flags for item stuff that isn't clothing/equipping specific.


bypass any species specific OnMob overlay blockers


for leaking gas from turf to mask and vice-versa (for masks right now, but at some point, i'd like to include space helmets)


How much to offset the item randomly either way alongside X visually


How much to offset the item randomly either way alongside Y visually


checks if the item will be specially placed on the table


whether this item is a source of heat, and how hot it is (in Kelvin).


Play this when you thwack someone with the item


Adjusts the item's position in the HUD, currently only by guns with stock/barrel attachments.


Used to override hardcoded ON-MOB clothing dmis in human clothing proc (i.e. not the icon_state sprites).


Allows for bigger than 32x32 sprites, these govern inhand sprites. (Like a longer sword that's normal-sized on your back)


lets us know if the item is an objective or not


overrides the default


If the item uses flag MOB_LOCK_ON_PICKUP, this is the mob owner reference.


If item should have a map specific camo icon


Set this variable to determine up to which temperature (IN KELVIN) the item protects against heat damage. Keep at null to disable protection. Only protects areas set by flags_heat_protection flags


Set this variable to determine down to which temperature (IN KELVIN) the item protects against cold damage. 0 is NOT an acceptable number due to if(varname) tests!! Keep at null to disable protection. Only protects areas set by flags_cold_protection flags


Sound to be played when item is picked up


Whether the pickup sound will vary in pitch/frequency


Volume of pickup sound


Special storages this item prioritizes


whether this item can be used to pry things open.


whether this item cuts


for electrical admittance/conductance (electrocution checks and shit)


How much clothing is slowing you down. Negative values speeds you up


checks if the item is set up in the table or not


set to ticks it takes to equip a worn suit.


set to ticks it takes to unequip a worn suit.


Sounds played when this item is unequipped


Need to wear this uniform to equip this


Vision impairing effect if worn on head/mask/glasses.


Allows for bigger than 32x32 sprites.


1 if item is actively being used to zoom. For scoped guns and binoculars.


the initial dir the mob faces when it zooms in


name used for message when binoculars/scope is used

Proc Details


Grab item when its placed on table


For digging shrapnel out of OTHER people, not yourself. Triggered by human/attackby() so target is definitely human. User might not be.


returns the overwatch camera the human is wearing


Generates an image overlay based on the provided override_icon_state (handles prefixing for PREFIX_HAT_GARB_OVERRIDE and PREFIX_HELMET_GARB_OVERRIDE)


Called by /mob/living/carbon/swap_hand() when hands are swapped


Checks if an item can be put in a slot (string) based on their slot flags (bit flags)


Global item proc for all of your unique item skin needs. Works with any item, and will change the skin to whatever you specify here. You can also manually override the icon with a unique skin if wanted, for the outlier cases. Override_icon_state should be a list. Generally requires NO_GAMEMODE_SKIN to not be set for changes to be applied.

Returns whether changes were applied.


Set the item up on a table. @param target: table which is being used to host the item.


Called to reset the state of the item to not be settled on the table.