byond - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

M707 \"Vulture\" scope


adjust_delayHow much time it takes to adjust the position of the scope. Adjusting the offset will take half of this time
breath_cooldown_timeHow long the cooldown for holding your breath is, only starts after breath_time finishes
breath_timeHow long you can hold your breath for
darkness_viewHow much to increase darkness view by
hold_breath_cdCooldown for after holding your breath
holding_breathIf the user is currently holding their breath
max_scope_rangeThe maximum distance the scope can be from the player
min_scope_rangeThe bare minimum distance the scope can be from the player
perpendicular_scope_rangeHow far in the perpendicular axis the scope can move in either direction
scope_driftIf the gun should experience scope drift
scope_drift_maxHow far in any given direction the scope can drift
scope_elementRef to the scope screen element
scope_interact_cdCooldown for interacting with the scope's adjustment or position
scope_offset_xThe current X position of the scope within the sniper's view box. 0 is center
scope_offset_yThe current Y position of the scope within the sniper's view box. 0 is center
scope_userWeakref to the user of the scope
scope_user_initial_dirThe initial dir of the scope user when scoping in
scope_viewsizeHow far in each direction the scope should see. Default human view size is 7
scope_xThe current X coord position of the scope camera
scope_yThe current Y coord position of the scope camera
scopingIf the scope is currently in use
slow_useIf the scope should use do_afters for adjusting and moving the sight
spotted_drift_chance% chance for the scope to drift on process with a spotter using their scope
spotter_spottingIf there is currently a spotter using the linked spotting scope
start_scope_rangeHow far out the player should see by default
unspotted_drift_chance% chance for the scope to drift on process without a spotter using their scope


adjust_offsetAdjusts the position of the reticle by a tile in a given direction
adjust_positionAdjusts the position of the scope by a tile in a given direction
axis_mathFigures out which direction the scope should move based on user direction and their input
get_adjust_dirsGets a list of valid directions to be able to adjust the reticle in
get_breath_rechargeReturns a % of how much time until the user can still their breath again
get_scope_drift_chanceReturns a number between 0 and 100 for the chance of the scope drifting on process()
get_time_to_fireReturns how many deciseconds until the gun is able to fire again
get_viewed_turfReturns the turf that the sniper scope + reticle is currently focused on
hold_breathLets the user start holding their breath, stopping gun sway for a short time
on_mob_move_lookHandler for if the mob moves or changes look direction
on_scopeHandler for when the user begins scoping
on_unscopeHandler for when the scope is deleted, dropped, etc.
recalculate_scope_offsetRecalculates where the reticle should be inside the scope
recalculate_scope_posRecalculates where the scope should be in relation to the user
scope_driftCauses the scope to drift in a random direction by 1 tile
stop_holding_breathStops the user from holding their breath, starting the cooldown
tick_down_breath_scopeSlowly empties out the crosshair as the user's breath runs out

Var Details


How much time it takes to adjust the position of the scope. Adjusting the offset will take half of this time


How long the cooldown for holding your breath is, only starts after breath_time finishes


How long you can hold your breath for


How much to increase darkness view by


Cooldown for after holding your breath


If the user is currently holding their breath


The maximum distance the scope can be from the player


The bare minimum distance the scope can be from the player


How far in the perpendicular axis the scope can move in either direction


If the gun should experience scope drift


How far in any given direction the scope can drift


Ref to the scope screen element


Cooldown for interacting with the scope's adjustment or position


The current X position of the scope within the sniper's view box. 0 is center


The current Y position of the scope within the sniper's view box. 0 is center


Weakref to the user of the scope


The initial dir of the scope user when scoping in


How far in each direction the scope should see. Default human view size is 7


The current X coord position of the scope camera


The current Y coord position of the scope camera


If the scope is currently in use


If the scope should use do_afters for adjusting and moving the sight


% chance for the scope to drift on process with a spotter using their scope


If there is currently a spotter using the linked spotting scope


How far out the player should see by default


% chance for the scope to drift on process without a spotter using their scope

Proc Details


Adjusts the position of the reticle by a tile in a given direction


Adjusts the position of the scope by a tile in a given direction


Figures out which direction the scope should move based on user direction and their input


Gets a list of valid directions to be able to adjust the reticle in


Returns a % of how much time until the user can still their breath again


Returns a number between 0 and 100 for the chance of the scope drifting on process()


Returns how many deciseconds until the gun is able to fire again


Returns the turf that the sniper scope + reticle is currently focused on


Lets the user start holding their breath, stopping gun sway for a short time


Handler for if the mob moves or changes look direction


Handler for when the user begins scoping


Handler for when the scope is deleted, dropped, etc.


Recalculates where the reticle should be inside the scope


Recalculates where the scope should be in relation to the user


Causes the scope to drift in a random direction by 1 tile


Stops the user from holding their breath, starting the cooldown


Slowly empties out the crosshair as the user's breath runs out