byond - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details


Hardpoints are any items that attach to a base vehicle, such as wheels/treads, support systems and guns


activatableWhether hardpoint has activatable ability like shooting or zooming.
activation_soundsSounds to play when the module activated/fired.
allowed_seatWhich seat can use this module.
ammoCurrently loaded ammo that we shoot from.
auto_firingIf the gun is currently auto firing.
autofire_slow_multThe multiplier for how much slower this should fire in automatic mode. 1 is normal, 1.2 is 20% slower, 2 is 100% slower, etc. Protected due to it never needing to be edited.
backup_clipsSpare magazines that we can reload from.
being_repairedUsed to prevent welder click spam.
burst_amountHow many shots can the weapon shoot in burst? Anything less than 2 and you cannot toggle burst. Use modify_burst_amount and set_burst_amount instead of modifying this
burst_delayThe delay in between shots. Lower = less delay = faster. Use modify_burst_delay and set_burst_delay instead of modifying this
burst_firingIf the gun is currently burst firing.
damage_multiplierDetermines how much of any incoming damage is actually taken.
extra_delayWhen burst-firing, this number is extra time before the weapon can fire again.
fire_cooldownDelay before a new firing sequence can start.
fire_delayFor regular shots, how long to wait before firing again. Use modify_fire_delay and set_fire_delay instead of modifying this on the fly
firing_arcThe firing arc of this hardpoint.
gun_firemodeCurrent selected firemode of the gun.
gun_firemode_listList of allowed firemodes.
hdpt_layerVisual layer of hardpoint when on vehicle.
max_clipsMaximum amount of spare mags.
muzzle_flash_posList of offsets for where to place the muzzle flash for each direction.
originsOrigin coords of the hardpoint relative to the vehicle.
ownerThe vehicle this hardpoint is installed on.
projectile_typeThe type of projectile to fire
px_offsetsList of pixel offsets for each direction.
scatterHow much the bullet scatters when fired, in degrees.
shots_firedHow many bullets the gun fired while burst firing/auto firing.
slotWhich slot is this hardpoint in. Purely to check for conflicting hardpoints.
targetCurrently selected target to fire at. Set with set_target().
traits_to_giveAn assoc list in the format list(/datum/element/bullet_trait_to_give = list(...args)) that will be given to a projectile fired from the hardpoint.


apply_buffApplying passive buffs like damage type resistance, speed, accuracy, cooldowns.
can_be_removedProc to be overridden if you want to have special conditions preventing the removal of the hardpoint. Add chat messages in this proc if you want to tell the player why
change_targetUpdate the target if you dragged your mouse.
clean_targetSet the target to its turf, so we keep shooting even when it was qdeled.
click_emptyPlays 'click' noise and announced to chat. Usually called when weapon empty.
display_ammoPrint how much ammo is left to chat.
fire_wrapperWrapper proc for the autofire system to ensure the important args aren't null.
get_origin_turfGet turf at hardpoint origin offset, used as the muzzle.
handle_fireActually fires the gun, sets up the projectile and fires it.
in_firing_arcDetermines whether something is in firing arc of a hardpoint.
on_installApply hardpoint effects to vehicle and self.
on_uninstallRemove hardpoint effects from vehicle and self.
play_firing_soundsSelects and plays a firing sound from the list.
recalculate_hardpoint_bonusesRecalculates hardpoint values based on vehicle modifiers.
remove_buffRemoving passive buffs like damage type resistance, speed, accuracy, cooldowns.
reset_fireClean all firing references.
set_auto_firingSetter proc for the automatic firing flag.
set_bullet_traitsPopulate traits_to_give in this proc
set_burst_delaySetter for burst_delay.
set_burst_firingSetter proc for the burst firing flag.
set_fire_cooldownStart cooldown to respect delay of firemode.
set_fire_delaySetter for fire_delay.
set_targetSet the target and take care of hard delete.
simulate_scatterAdjust target based on random scatter angle.
start_fireCheck if the gun can fire and add it to bucket autofire system if needed, or just fire the gun if not.
stop_fireReset variables used in firing and remove the gun from the autofire system.
try_fireTests if firing should be interrupted, otherwise fires.

Var Details


Whether hardpoint has activatable ability like shooting or zooming.


Sounds to play when the module activated/fired.


Which seat can use this module.


Currently loaded ammo that we shoot from.


If the gun is currently auto firing.


The multiplier for how much slower this should fire in automatic mode. 1 is normal, 1.2 is 20% slower, 2 is 100% slower, etc. Protected due to it never needing to be edited.


Spare magazines that we can reload from.


Used to prevent welder click spam.


How many shots can the weapon shoot in burst? Anything less than 2 and you cannot toggle burst. Use modify_burst_amount and set_burst_amount instead of modifying this


The delay in between shots. Lower = less delay = faster. Use modify_burst_delay and set_burst_delay instead of modifying this


If the gun is currently burst firing.


Determines how much of any incoming damage is actually taken.


When burst-firing, this number is extra time before the weapon can fire again.


Delay before a new firing sequence can start.


For regular shots, how long to wait before firing again. Use modify_fire_delay and set_fire_delay instead of modifying this on the fly


The firing arc of this hardpoint.


Current selected firemode of the gun.


List of allowed firemodes.


Visual layer of hardpoint when on vehicle.


Maximum amount of spare mags.


List of offsets for where to place the muzzle flash for each direction.


Origin coords of the hardpoint relative to the vehicle.


The vehicle this hardpoint is installed on.


The type of projectile to fire


List of pixel offsets for each direction.


How much the bullet scatters when fired, in degrees.


How many bullets the gun fired while burst firing/auto firing.


Which slot is this hardpoint in. Purely to check for conflicting hardpoints.


Currently selected target to fire at. Set with set_target().


An assoc list in the format list(/datum/element/bullet_trait_to_give = list(...args)) that will be given to a projectile fired from the hardpoint.

Proc Details


Applying passive buffs like damage type resistance, speed, accuracy, cooldowns.


Proc to be overridden if you want to have special conditions preventing the removal of the hardpoint. Add chat messages in this proc if you want to tell the player why


Update the target if you dragged your mouse.


Set the target to its turf, so we keep shooting even when it was qdeled.


Plays 'click' noise and announced to chat. Usually called when weapon empty.


Print how much ammo is left to chat.


Wrapper proc for the autofire system to ensure the important args aren't null.


Get turf at hardpoint origin offset, used as the muzzle.


Actually fires the gun, sets up the projectile and fires it.


Determines whether something is in firing arc of a hardpoint.


Apply hardpoint effects to vehicle and self.


Remove hardpoint effects from vehicle and self.


Selects and plays a firing sound from the list.


Recalculates hardpoint values based on vehicle modifiers.


Removing passive buffs like damage type resistance, speed, accuracy, cooldowns.


Clean all firing references.


Setter proc for the automatic firing flag.


Populate traits_to_give in this proc


Setter for burst_delay.


Setter proc for the burst firing flag.


Start cooldown to respect delay of firemode.


Setter for fire_delay.


Set the target and take care of hard delete.


Adjust target based on random scatter angle.


Check if the gun can fire and add it to bucket autofire system if needed, or just fire the gun if not.


Reset variables used in firing and remove the gun from the autofire system.


Tests if firing should be interrupted, otherwise fires.