byond - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

M56B smartgun


ammo_primaryThe current normal ammo datum
ammo_primary_altFrontline mode normal ammo datum
ammo_primary_defNon-Frontline mode normal ammo datum
ammo_secondaryThe current AP ammo datum
ammo_secondary_altFrontline mode AP ammo datum
ammo_secondary_defNon-Frontline mode AP ammo datum
frontline_enabledWhether Frontline mode is toggled on
iff_enabledWhether IFF mode is toggled on
requires_batteryWhether the smartgun requires a battery
requires_harnessWhether the smartgun requires a harness to use
requires_powerWhether the smartgun drains the battery (Ignored if requires_battery is false)
secondary_toggledWhether we are using AP ammo currently


FireHaving the SG check it's config after toggling frontline mode & IFF is essential, or it won't update properly. e.g. turning IFF off, firing once, turning IFF on will let the user fire frontline bullets over friendlies if the gun doesn't check.
able_to_fireDetermines the color of the muzzle flash, depending on whether frontline mode is enabled or not. Having the SG check it's config after toggling frontline mode & IFF is essential, or it won't update properly. e.g. turning IFF off, firing once, turning IFF on will let the user fire frontline bullets over friendlies if the gun doesn't check.

Var Details


The current normal ammo datum


Frontline mode normal ammo datum


Non-Frontline mode normal ammo datum


The current AP ammo datum


Frontline mode AP ammo datum


Non-Frontline mode AP ammo datum


Whether Frontline mode is toggled on


Whether IFF mode is toggled on


Whether the smartgun requires a battery


Whether the smartgun requires a harness to use


Whether the smartgun drains the battery (Ignored if requires_battery is false)


Whether we are using AP ammo currently

Proc Details


Having the SG check it's config after toggling frontline mode & IFF is essential, or it won't update properly. e.g. turning IFF off, firing once, turning IFF on will let the user fire frontline bullets over friendlies if the gun doesn't check.


Determines the color of the muzzle flash, depending on whether frontline mode is enabled or not. Having the SG check it's config after toggling frontline mode & IFF is essential, or it won't update properly. e.g. turning IFF off, firing once, turning IFF on will let the user fire frontline bullets over friendlies if the gun doesn't check.