M56D heavy machine gun
Vars | |
autofire_slow_mult | A multiplier for how slow this gun should fire in automatic as opposed to burst. 1 is normal, 1.2 is 20% slower, 0.8 is 20% faster, etc. |
burst_amount | How many rounds are fired per burst |
burst_fire_delay | How much time should pass in between burst fire shots |
burst_firing | If the gun is currently burst firing |
display_ammo | If the gun should display its ammo count |
fire_delay | How much time should pass in between full auto shots, slightly higher than burst due to click delay and similar things that slow firing down |
gun_firemode | What firemode the gun is currently in |
gun_firemodes | What firemodes this gun has |
semiauto_cooldown_time | How long between semi-auto shots this should wait, to reduce possible spam |
semiauto_fire_cooldown | Semi auto cooldown |
shoot_degree | How many degrees in each direction the gun should be able to fire |
shots_fired | How many rounds have been fired in the current burst/auto |
Procs | |
change_target | Update the target if you draged your mouse |
clean_target | Set the target to its turf, so we keep shooting even when it was qdeled |
display_ammo | Print how much ammo is left to chat |
do_toggle_firemode | Toggles the gun's firemode one down the list |
get_burst_firing | Getter for burst_firing |
get_fire_delay | getter for fire_delay |
get_mouse_pointer | Getter proc. Returns the weapon's crosshair icon. |
reset_fire | Clean up the target, shots fired, and other things related to when you stop firing |
set_burst_amount | setter for burst_amount |
set_burst_fire_delay | Setter for burst_delay |
set_burst_firing | Setter for burst_firing |
set_fire_delay | setter for fire_delay |
set_target | Set the target and take care of hard delete |
start_fire | Check if the gun can fire and add it to bucket auto_fire system if needed, or just fire the gun if not |
update_mouse_pointer | Turns the mouse cursor into a crosshair if new_cursor is set to TRUE. If set to FALSE, returns the cursor to its initial icon. |
Var Details
A multiplier for how slow this gun should fire in automatic as opposed to burst. 1 is normal, 1.2 is 20% slower, 0.8 is 20% faster, etc.
How many rounds are fired per burst
How much time should pass in between burst fire shots
If the gun is currently burst firing
If the gun should display its ammo count
How much time should pass in between full auto shots, slightly higher than burst due to click delay and similar things that slow firing down
What firemode the gun is currently in
What firemodes this gun has
How long between semi-auto shots this should wait, to reduce possible spam
Semi auto cooldown
How many degrees in each direction the gun should be able to fire
How many rounds have been fired in the current burst/auto
Proc Details
Update the target if you draged your mouse
Set the target to its turf, so we keep shooting even when it was qdeled
Print how much ammo is left to chat
Toggles the gun's firemode one down the list
Getter for burst_firing
getter for fire_delay
Getter proc. Returns the weapon's crosshair icon.
Clean up the target, shots fired, and other things related to when you stop firing
setter for burst_amount
Setter for burst_delay
Setter for burst_firing
setter for fire_delay
Set the target and take care of hard delete
Check if the gun can fire and add it to bucket auto_fire system if needed, or just fire the gun if not
Turns the mouse cursor into a crosshair if new_cursor is set to TRUE. If set to FALSE, returns the cursor to its initial icon.