TC-3T static telecommunications tower
Vars | |
corrupted | Tower has been taken over by xenos, is not usable |
corruption_delay | Holds the delay for when a cluster can recorrupt the comms tower after a pylon has been destroyed |
corruption_image | Held image for the current overlay on the tower from xeno corruption |
Procs | |
handle_xeno_acquisition | Handles xenos corrupting the tower when weeds touch the turf it is located on |
register_with_turf | Handles re-registering signals on new turfs if changed |
switch_to_idle_corruption | Handles moving the overlay from growing to idle |
uncorrupt | Handles removing corruption effects from the comms relay |
Var Details
Tower has been taken over by xenos, is not usable
Holds the delay for when a cluster can recorrupt the comms tower after a pylon has been destroyed
Held image for the current overlay on the tower from xeno corruption
Proc Details
Handles xenos corrupting the tower when weeds touch the turf it is located on
Handles re-registering signals on new turfs if changed
Handles moving the overlay from growing to idle
Handles removing corruption effects from the comms relay