byond - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



ambience_exteriorDefault sound to play as ambience for clients entering the area
area_has_base_lightingWhether this area has a currently active base lighting, bool
base_lighting_alphaalpha 0-255 of lighting_effect and thus baselighting intensity
base_lighting_colorThe colour of the light acting on this area
block_game_interactionIf this area is outside the game's normal interactivity and should be excluded from things like EOR reports and crew monitors. Doesn't need to be set for areas/Z levels that are marked as admin-only
current_resin_countHow much destroyable resin currently exists in this area
flags_areaBitfield of special area features
lighting_effectThe mutable appearance we underlay to show light
linked_lzWhich, if any, LZ this area belongs to. If an area belongs to an LZ, if that LZ is designated as the primary LZ, all weeds will be destroyed and further weed placement disabled
openable_turf_countHow many potentially open turfs can exist in this area
sound_environmentDefault sound environment to use for the area, as list or int BYOND preset:
static_lightingWhether this area allows static lighting and thus loads the lighting objects
unoviable_timerHow long this area should be un-oviable


get_sound_ambienceReturns the correct ambience sound track for a client in this area
handle_ovi_timerFrom roundstart, sets a timer to make an area oviable.
purge_weedsPurges existing weeds, and prevents future weeds from being placed.

Var Details


Default sound to play as ambience for clients entering the area


Whether this area has a currently active base lighting, bool


alpha 0-255 of lighting_effect and thus baselighting intensity


The colour of the light acting on this area


If this area is outside the game's normal interactivity and should be excluded from things like EOR reports and crew monitors. Doesn't need to be set for areas/Z levels that are marked as admin-only


How much destroyable resin currently exists in this area


Bitfield of special area features


The mutable appearance we underlay to show light


Which, if any, LZ this area belongs to. If an area belongs to an LZ, if that LZ is designated as the primary LZ, all weeds will be destroyed and further weed placement disabled


How many potentially open turfs can exist in this area


Default sound environment to use for the area, as list or int BYOND preset:


Whether this area allows static lighting and thus loads the lighting objects


How long this area should be un-oviable

Proc Details


Returns the correct ambience sound track for a client in this area


From roundstart, sets a timer to make an area oviable.


Purges existing weeds, and prevents future weeds from being placed.