byond - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details



active_thinking_indicatorthe icon currently used for the thinking indicator's bubble
active_typing_indicatorthe icon currently used for the typing indicator's bubble
blindedbool that tracks if blind
client_color_matricesColor matrices to be applied to the client window. Assoc. list.
emotes_usedUsed for tracking last uses of emotes for cooldown purposes
eye_blindtimer for blinding
eye_blurryDoes the mob have blurry sight
fire_delay_next_fireAn assoc list where the keys are fire delay group string defines and the keys are when the guns of the group can be fired again
listed_turfthe current turf being examined in the stat panel
luminosity_sourcesList of active luminosity sources for handling of light stacking
mob_language_menuthe mob's tgui player panel
mob_panelthe mob's tgui player panel
next_click1 decisecond click delay (above and beyond mob/next_move)
observersThe list of people observing this mob.
persistent_ckeya ckey that persists client logout / ghosting, replaced when a client inhabits the mob
shot_cooldownPeople getting shot by a large amount of bullets in a very short period of time can lag them out, with chat messages being one cause, so a 1s cooldown per hit message is introduced to assuage that
sound_environment_overrideOverride for sound_environments. If this is set the user will always hear a specific type of reverb (Instead of the area defined reverb)
thinking_ICUser is thinking in character. Used to revert to thinking state after stop_typing
throw_bufferholds the buffer to allow for throwing two things before the cooldown effects throwing, reference /mob/proc/do_click()
throw_delayHolds the time when a mob can throw an item next, only applies after two throws, reference /mob/proc/do_click()


Process_SpacemoveProcess_Spacemove Called by /client/Move() For moving in space Return 1 for movement 0 for none
add_client_color_matrixAdds a color matrix and updates the client. Priority is the order the matrices are applied, lowest first. Will replace an existing matrix of the same name, if one exists.
add_to_all_mob_hudsMOB PROCS //////////////////////////////:
apply_effectLegacy wrapper for effects, DO NOT USE and migrate all code to USING THE STATUS PROCS DIRECTLY
can_pass_diseaseWhether or not a mob can pass diseases to another, or receive said diseases.
can_resistCan this mob resist (default FALSE)
change_client_color_matrix_priorityChanges a matrix package's priority and updates client.
check_improved_pointingIs this mob important enough to point with big arrows?
clear_client_color_matricesRemoves all matrices and updates client.
create_thinking_indicatorCreates a thinking indicator over the mob.
create_typing_indicatorCreates a typing indicator over the mob.
examinateExamine a mob
get_client_color_matrixReturns the matrix of that name, if it exists.
get_status_tab_itemsAdds this list to the output to the stat browser
has_status_effectChecks if this mob has a status effect that shares the passed effect's ID
has_status_effect_from_sourceChecks if this mob has a status effect that shares the passed effect's ID and has the passed sources are in its list of sources (ONLY works for grouped efects!)
has_status_effect_listReturns a list of all status effects that share the passed effect type's ID
is_ally_ofReturns TRUE if this mob is an ally of another, depending on the faction and faction_group variables, FALSE otherwise
is_mob_incapacitatedReturns if the mob is incapacitated and unable to perform general actions
manual_emoteAllows the intrepid coder to send a basic emote Takes text as input, sends it out to those who need to know after some light parsing If you need something more complex, make it into a datum emote Arguments:
play_screen_textproc for playing a screen_text on a mob. enqueues it if a screen text is running and plays i otherwise Arguments:
remove_all_indicatorsRemoves any indicators and marks the mob as not speaking IC.
remove_client_color_matrixCan take either a single name or a list of several. Attempts to remove target matrix packages and update client.
remove_thinking_indicatorRemoves the thinking indicator over the mob.
remove_typing_indicatorRemoves the typing indicator over the mob.
select_body_zoneChange the mob's selected body zone to target_zone.
send_to_lobbySend src back to the lobby as a /mob/new_player()
sync_lighting_plane_alphaSet the lighting plane hud alpha to the mobs lighting_alpha var
throw_alertProc to create or update an alert. Returns the alert if the alert is new or updated, 0 if it was thrown already category is a text string. Each mob may only have one alert per category; the previous one will be replaced path is a type path of the actual alert type to throw severity is an optional number that will be placed at the end of the icon_state for this alert For example, high pressure's icon_state is "highpressure" and can be serverity 1 or 2 to get "highpressure1" or "highpressure2" new_master is optional and sets the alert's icon state to "template" in the ui_style icons with the master as an overlay. Clicks are forwarded to master Override makes it so the alert is not replaced until cleared by a clear_alert with clear_override, and it's used for hallucinations.
timed_typingSets typing indicator for a couple seconds, for use with client-side comm verbs
timed_typing_clearClears timed typing indicators
update_Login_detailsHandles setting lastKnownIP and computer_id for use by the ban systems
update_client_color_matricesCombines all color matrices and applies them to the client. Also used on login to give a client its new body's color matrices. Responsible for sorting the matrices. Transition is animated but instant by default.

Var Details


the icon currently used for the thinking indicator's bubble


the icon currently used for the typing indicator's bubble


bool that tracks if blind


Color matrices to be applied to the client window. Assoc. list.


Used for tracking last uses of emotes for cooldown purposes


timer for blinding


Does the mob have blurry sight


An assoc list where the keys are fire delay group string defines and the keys are when the guns of the group can be fired again


the current turf being examined in the stat panel


List of active luminosity sources for handling of light stacking


the mob's tgui player panel


the mob's tgui player panel


1 decisecond click delay (above and beyond mob/next_move)


The list of people observing this mob.


a ckey that persists client logout / ghosting, replaced when a client inhabits the mob


People getting shot by a large amount of bullets in a very short period of time can lag them out, with chat messages being one cause, so a 1s cooldown per hit message is introduced to assuage that


Override for sound_environments. If this is set the user will always hear a specific type of reverb (Instead of the area defined reverb)



Tracks open UIs for a user.


User is thinking in character. Used to revert to thinking state after stop_typing


holds the buffer to allow for throwing two things before the cooldown effects throwing, reference /mob/proc/do_click()


Holds the time when a mob can throw an item next, only applies after two throws, reference /mob/proc/do_click()

Proc Details


Process_Spacemove Called by /client/Move() For moving in space Return 1 for movement 0 for none


Adds a color matrix and updates the client. Priority is the order the matrices are applied, lowest first. Will replace an existing matrix of the same name, if one exists.


MOB PROCS //////////////////////////////:


Legacy wrapper for effects, DO NOT USE and migrate all code to USING THE STATUS PROCS DIRECTLY


Whether or not a mob can pass diseases to another, or receive said diseases.


Can this mob resist (default FALSE)


Changes a matrix package's priority and updates client.


Is this mob important enough to point with big arrows?


Removes all matrices and updates client.


Creates a thinking indicator over the mob.


Creates a typing indicator over the mob.


Examine a mob

mob verbs are faster than object verbs. See this byond forum post for why this isn't atom/verb/examine()


Returns the matrix of that name, if it exists.


Adds this list to the output to the stat browser


Checks if this mob has a status effect that shares the passed effect's ID

checked_effect - TYPEPATH of a status effect to check for. Checks for its ID, not it's typepath

Returns an instance of a status effect, or NULL if none were found.


Checks if this mob has a status effect that shares the passed effect's ID and has the passed sources are in its list of sources (ONLY works for grouped efects!)

checked_effect - TYPEPATH of a status effect to check for. Checks for its ID, not it's typepath

Returns an instance of a status effect, or NULL if none were found.


Returns a list of all status effects that share the passed effect type's ID

checked_effect - TYPEPATH of a status effect to check for. Checks for its ID, not it's typepath

Returns a list


Returns TRUE if this mob is an ally of another, depending on the faction and faction_group variables, FALSE otherwise


Returns if the mob is incapacitated and unable to perform general actions


Allows the intrepid coder to send a basic emote Takes text as input, sends it out to those who need to know after some light parsing If you need something more complex, make it into a datum emote Arguments:

Returns TRUE if it was able to run the emote, FALSE otherwise.


proc for playing a screen_text on a mob. enqueues it if a screen text is running and plays i otherwise Arguments:


Removes any indicators and marks the mob as not speaking IC.


Can take either a single name or a list of several. Attempts to remove target matrix packages and update client.


Removes the thinking indicator over the mob.


Removes the typing indicator over the mob.


Change the mob's selected body zone to target_zone.


Send src back to the lobby as a /mob/new_player()



Standard interaction/sanity checks. Different mob types may have overrides.

return UI_state The state of the UI.


Set the lighting plane hud alpha to the mobs lighting_alpha var


Proc to create or update an alert. Returns the alert if the alert is new or updated, 0 if it was thrown already category is a text string. Each mob may only have one alert per category; the previous one will be replaced path is a type path of the actual alert type to throw severity is an optional number that will be placed at the end of the icon_state for this alert For example, high pressure's icon_state is "highpressure" and can be serverity 1 or 2 to get "highpressure1" or "highpressure2" new_master is optional and sets the alert's icon state to "template" in the ui_style icons with the master as an overlay. Clicks are forwarded to master Override makes it so the alert is not replaced until cleared by a clear_alert with clear_override, and it's used for hallucinations.


Sets typing indicator for a couple seconds, for use with client-side comm verbs


Clears timed typing indicators


Handles setting lastKnownIP and computer_id for use by the ban systems


Combines all color matrices and applies them to the client. Also used on login to give a client its new body's color matrices. Responsible for sorting the matrices. Transition is animated but instant by default.